La Carte d'Ancien Combattant 6/3/2014
Here is a website I hope you will find helpful as a Legionaire who has been in combat and has received a medal for his work in combat.
This card will be applied for on your behalf by the FFL, but many Legionnaires never learn about it, so they never know that they must go to their local ONAC (Office National des Anciens Combattants) to retrieve their card. Some of the benefits (told to me by my friend whose husband has the card) are:
Pension after 72 years old (which passes to the wife/dependents in case of death)
Payment for educational/professional training
Here is the website, if you believe you are eligible for a card, you can call your local office and ask them if you have a card on file. Remember, you may need to use your Real Name or your Legion Name, depending on how the application was submitted on your behalf).